the FMA Make Mary's Fiat Theirs
(Obedience – Art. 32) and (The Service of Authority
– Articles 114 & 52)
Mary, the obedient Woman. It is true that even Mary, just like the
girls of her time, dreamed of the coming of the Messiah. What she did not know was how it would all come
about. God the Father had enveloped Mary
with His grace from the moment of her conception and had prepared in her a home
suitable for His Son Jesus. "Hail,
Full of Grace," said the Angel to Mary, "You will conceive and bring
forth a Son and you will call Him Jesus."
“I do not know a man,” Mary answered.
"Fear not, Mary… The Holy Spirit will descend upon you and the
power of the Most High will overshadow you.
The One who is to be born, therefore, will be holy and called the Son of
God." (see Lk. 1:26-28)

Mary obeys the Word of God from the very first instant,
abandoning herself to Him. From the
depths of her heart, Salvation is born: Jesus.
In Mary, her “Yes” and the gift of herself are joined together. The most profound moment of her fiat was lived at the foot of the Cross
of her Son. Without the Cross, there is
no full and total "yes". This
is the most painful moment and, at the same time, the most fecund one in which she
abandons herself, while still not understanding God's "why”. At the moment of her Son’s being taken down
from the Cross, she receives Him with delicateness and envelops Him with
tenderness. In the depths of her heart
she felt that this was not the end. Her
son had to rise. Through her “yes”, Mary
contributed to the redemption of the world.
For us, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians called to
a service of authority, no other path than Mary's exists. To say “yes” to the One who entrusts a
mission to us, is simply, as our Constitutions say in Article 114: "to
live in an attitude of interior poverty and of openness to the Holy Spirit; to
express with a mother’s heart the strong and gentle love of Mary." Mary was full of grace; therefore, her
obedience was full of grace, even if it was not easy. We, too, need to live a life of grace in
order to live obedience. To do so, a
profound Sacramental life which draws continually from the Eucharist and from
the Sacrament of Reconciliation is indispensable.
Thus, she needs to be an FMA who is open to the Holy
Spirit and who cultivates God's grace in her heart. She must put the person at the center of her
mission and feel that she is a Sister among her Sisters, without harboring a
fear of not being recognized in her "authority" because, as Mother
Mazzarello used to say: "Our True Superior is the Blessed
Mother." She ought to create an
atmosphere of trust in which each Sister feels happy to belong to the
Community, to the Institute, and to the Church.
She needs to undertake her mission as a true service and not as some
form of power. She must serve like Mary,
in silence and without drawing attention to herself – going quickly to help the
Sisters and the young in the Educating Community in their need.
Kneeling down at the end of the day, she ought to say
to the Lord: You are the One who has sustained me along this day. Thank you for all that I was able to
accomplish and please fix whatever was not done very well. She ought to beat her breast in asking pardon
if: she had not been docile to the Holy Spirit or she had not known how to say
like Mary: "Behold, here I am" when facing certain trying or
difficult realities; when unable to express that love with which God loves her;
or when unable to help her Sisters go courageously to the peripheries - the
fringes -bearing the joy of having Jesus in their heart and thus being able to
thank God for that “hundred-fold” which He gives us each day, even when,
unfortunately, we sometimes do not merit it.
Living the service of authority with and like Mary
makes us great in God's eyes because He who has called us to serve will give us
our recompense and His recompense is immense.
All of us, whether in huge or little things, are called to live
obedience with and like Mary.
What do I
recognize in myself that might impede me from living obedience fully and with
Am I ready
to undertake serenely all the consequences of my “yes” said to the Lord when a
service in the Community is asked of me?
What is my
greatest certainty in considering authority?
Do I recognize and accept this task and correspond to it with all my
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